poniedziałek, 20 października 2014


Skróty angielskie:
  • ad ( vert) – advertisement
  • appt - appointment
  • asap – as soon as possible
  • at the mo – at the moment
  • bcc – blind carbon copy
  • cc – carbon copy
  • eg – for example
  • etc – and so on/et cetera
  • ie – in other words/ that means
  • info – information
  • mgmt – management
  • mtg – meeting
  • pls – please
  • re – regarding/about; reply
  • rep – representative
  • rgds – regards
  • w/e – weekend
  • wk – week
  • w/o – without
  • yr – your; year

Skróty – email, chatroom, SMS
  • 2U – to you
  • 4U – for you
  • ATB – all the best
  • Blog – weblog
  • BTW – by the way
  • CU – see you
  • FAQ  - frequently asked questions
  • FYI – for your information
  • Fwd – forward
  • IMO – in my opinion
  • IOU – I owe you (a favour)
  • LOL – laughing out loud
  • REQ – request
  • RU – are you
  • Ta – thanks
  • Thx – thanks
  • TIA – thanks in advance
  • URL – universal resource locator
  • U2 – you too
  • W8 – wait

Ascending – rosnąco
Descending – malejąco
In the loop – na bieżąco
Quote – cytować
Search engine – wyszukiwarka
Advertisement – ogłoszenie, reklama
Appointment – wizyta ( u lekarza)
Carbon – węgiel
in advance – z gory, z wyprzedzeniem

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