sobota, 18 kwietnia 2015

The Hobbit House

Since 2003 we have been living and building on the land, working in environmental projects and community.  We have found that for a few thousand pound and a few months work it is possible to create simple shelters that are in harmony with the natural landscape, ecologically sound and are a pleasure to live in.  There is something powerfully alluring in such natural buildings.  Their simplicity and cost makes them accessible; their beauty and use of natural materials remind us of our ancestral right and ability to live well as part of the landscape/nature/earth.  We believe this dream is possible for anyone with genuine intention, will and hard work.  Through this website is our best advice to inspire and assist anyone who is interested in similar ideas.
The Hobbit House

After building and living in the hobbit house, we left it for the woodland workers passing through this beautiful place. In 2009 we finally bought our own place, a 7 acre piece of land as part of the Lammas eco village in West Wales.  The opportunity to really be somewhere, to integrate our basic needs of shelter, energy, food and a livelihood now has a permanent place to take root and grow.  Being creative with what is available; minimising energy and pollution; and careful observation is our basic approach. So far we have built a small house, the Undercroft; a workshop and barn.  Tree planting, pond creation, vegetable beds, fruit, composting and animals are the beginning of a self reliant, resilient and biodiverse home.
Berllan Dawel, our plot at Lammas
Only three generations ago most of us had ancestors living in the countryside and were skilled in woodwork, plants, craft, weaving and so on. Like many people, we wished to reclaim these ways and return to having a direct relationship to the land, do things for ourselves, enjoy a high standard of living and have fun. Committing ourselves to this land and simple living is our way of taking responsibility for our impact on the world as best we can.  Every day we learn more about this place and can integrate our needs with the landscape we are in. Time to observe cycles and seasons is giving the opportunity to become neo-indigenous; architects of our own lives and genuine stewards of the land.

shelter - schronienie; schronisko (np. dla bezdomnych)
landscape - krajobraz, pejzaż
alluring - urzekający, ponętny, powabny
simplicity - prostota (np. życia, ubioru); naiwność
accessible - dostępny, osiągalny; przystępny
ancestral - rodowy
ability - zdolność (np. chodzenia); umiejętność; zręczność, sprawność
genuine - prawdziwy; szczery, uczciwy
woodland - lesista okolica, teren leśny
livelihood - utrzymanie, środki utrzymania
minimise - minimalizować, zmniejszyć, redukować
approach - zbliżać się, podchodzić (do czegoś)
barn - stodoła, obora
pond - staw, sadzawka
reliant - polegający (na kimś lub na czymś), zależny (od kogoś lub czegoś)
self-reliant - samodzielny
resilient - odporny, wytrzymały (o osobie); elastyczny, sprężysty (o materiale, substancji)
biodiverse - zróżnicowany biologicznie
ancestor - przodek
countryside - wiejska okolica, wieś
woodwork - wyrób z drewna, wyroby drewniane
craft - rzemiosło; statek
reclaim - odbierać (np. bagaż), odzyskać (coś od kogoś); żądać zwrotu (czegoś); poprawiać (stan czegoś), przywrócić (do stanu pierwotnego)
stewards - organizator; zarządca; gospodarz (np. na farmie)


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