- time up to now: an event that happened at some point in the past e.g. in my life, this year, today. The exact time it happened is not mentioned.
- recent events which are in some way relevant to the present. The exact time it happened is not mentioned.
- ongoing situations or repeated events that started in the past and continue up to now.
- a completed event where an exact time is given or is obvious.
- a situation or repeated events that started and finished in the past
past simple: last month, yesterday, ago, this time last week, on date/day, last week/ month / year
present perfect: just, already, yet, ever, lately, since, so far
both: never, always, for, recently, before, in the summer, today, this morning/afternoo
SINCE - od
+ określony moment w przeszłości (np. od poniedziału - since Monday)
FOR - od +
okres czasu (np. przez 2 lata - for two years)
up to now - do teraz, do tej pory
mention - wzmianka
recent - najnowszy, niedawny
relevant - odnoszący sie do tematu, istotny, dotyczący (czegoś)
obvious - oczywisty, ewidentny
until - dopóki, aż
so far - jak dotąd, na razie, jak do tej pory
lately - ostatnio
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