piątek, 27 lutego 2015

Money Money Money – 12 Phrasal Verbs & more…

Hello everyone, this podcast is all about MONEY – cash, pounds, dosh, currency, capital, loot, notes, coins, credit, loose change, deniro – call it what you like – we all love to get it and then spend it on STUFF!

In this podcast you’ll hear me talk about money and the economic crisis. I use 12 phrasal verbs. Can you find them? I also discuss a few idioms, sayings and quotations about money.

12 Phrasal Verbs
Here is the transcript of the part of the podcast in which I use 12 phrasal verbs connected to money:
These days, many of us are living in tough times. The economic crisis is making life difficult for many people in this country. We’re all having to economise and cut back on our spending. Nowadays there is less credit available in the money markets and this is having a knock-on effect in our lives.

żeby nie stękać ... v2

wspomagacze argumentacji
- I should mention that ... -  Może powinnienem wspomnieć o ...
- As far as I know ... - O ile mi wiadomo ..
- As regards ... - Co do/ co się tyczy ...
- I'm quite sure ... - Jestem raczej pewny ...
- Personally, I think that ... - Osobiście uważam, że ...
- It's worth mentioning that - Warto wspomnieć, że ...
- To the best of my knowledge ... - O ile mi wiadomo ...
wspomagacze argumentacji i wyrażania własnej opinii
- I am convinced that ... - Jestem przekonany, że ...
- I'd just like to say ... - Chciałbym/chciałabym tylko powiedzieć ...
- Besides - Zresztą, poza tym 

zwroty doprecyzowujące myśli/pytania
- In other words ... - Innymi słowy ....
- I want to make sure whether ... - Chcę się upewnić, czy ...
- What about ... ? - A jeśli chodzi o ....?
- Correct me if I'm wrong, but ... - Popraw mnie, jeśli się mylę, ale ...
- Let me explain. - Pozwól mi wyjaśnić.
- For sure? - Czy na pewno?

jak wyrazić rozczarowanie
- We had high hopes ... - A miało być tak pięknie...
- It doesn't matter - Nieważne
- We'll get by - Obejdzie się

jak wyrazić zniecierpliwienie
- Knock it off / Stop it - Przestań
- I'm warning you ... - Ostrzegam cię ...
- Cut it out. - Skończ z tym.

jak wyrazić zachwyt 
- That's amazing! - Nieprawdopodobnie!
- It's impressive - Robi wrażenie
- Oh, wow! - Ojej!

jak wyrazić zdziwienie
- Seriously? - Serio?
- No way! - Niemożliwe!
- Come on! - Coś ty!

jak odmówić 
- Not my thing. - To nie moja bajka.
- Probably not. - Raczej nie
- Let's forget about it. - Darujmy to sobie.
- No way am I going to ... - Nie ma mowy, żebym ...
- Forget it! - Zapomnij o tym!
- There's no need to ... - Nie ma potrzeby ...

źródło: "Polish your english. Angielski z premierem"

środa, 25 lutego 2015

English website

English podcast 

and English Vocabulary

niedziela, 15 lutego 2015

żeby nie stękać ...

wspomagacze argumentacji
- As far as I am concerned ... - jeśli o mnie chodzi ...
- I want to emphasize that ... - chcę podkreślić, że ...
- If you ask me ... - jeśli chodzi o mnie ...
- It's important to mention that ... - należy wspomnieć, że ...
- One might say that ... - Mówi się, że ...
- Furthermore ... /Moreover ... - ponadto ...
- What is more ... - co więcej ...

zwroty doprecyzowujące myśli/pytania
- What I am getting at is  ... - chodzi mi o to, że ...
- I don't quite follow you ... - Nie do końca cię rozumiem.
- Is everything clear so far? - czy wszystko jak dotąd jest jasne?
- Let me put it this way ... - ujmę to w ten sposób ...
- Have you got that? - rozumiecie?
- Are you with me? - Wszystko jasne?

zwroty na przeczekanie
- Anyway ... - W każdy razie ...
- Let me think .. - Daj mi się zastnowić ...
- You know .. - no wiesz ...
- That's a good question ... - to dobre pytanie ...
- That's interesting - to interesujące ...
- You never know ... - nigdy nic nie wiadomo ...

umilacze na zakończenie rozmowy
- It was a pleasure. - było mi bardzo przyjemnie.
- That's very kind of you. - To bardzo uprzejmie z Twojej strony.
- Give my love to .. - Pozdrów ode mnie ...
- It's very nice of you to say so. - Bardzo miło to słyszeć od Pani/Pana
- That sounds great. - To brzmi wspaniale.
- You've been a great help! - Bardzo mi pomogłeś!

źródło: "Polish your english. Angielski z premierem"

czwartek, 12 lutego 2015

Heritage is Great Part 1

Britain has a great heritage. It has some of the finest historic buildings in the world.
Palaces, castles and museums bursting with tradition and history... there’s just so much to see and do.
Around 30 million people visit Britain every year from overseas.
Three of the top five museums and galleries in the world can be found here.
There are 14 Roman walled cities, 8 heritage cities and hundreds of castles.
In London, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge are just some of the places to visit, but how to fit it all in? I’ll show you.
Now, one way to see the sights is to hop on and hop off an open top London bus. Now, most buses go from A to B, but this one is special. This is a Big Bus tour bus and is a great way to see the city.
The Houses of Parliament, one of the largest parliament buildings in the world.
This is Regent Street, which was built in the 1800s. The street itself separated Mayfair, which was an upper class area, with Soho, over there, which was a working class area. 

The Ultimate Energy Bites

Makes 15 – 20 balls, depending on size
- 1 cup of medjool dates
- 3/4 of a cup of almonds
- 3/4 of a cup of walnuts or any other nut
- 2 tablespoons of chia seeds
- 2 tablespoons of ground flax seed
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 tablespoon of hemp protein powder
- 1 tablespoon of raw cacao powder
Start by placing the almonds, walnuts, ground flax seed and chia seeds in your food processor. Blend for 1 minute, until the a flour forms and the nuts have crumbled.
Then add the remaining ingredients, pitting the dates before adding those. Blend for another minute until a stick dough forms.
Use your hands to roll the mixture into little balls, place in a bowl and store in the fridge.
Bite and enjoy! Just try not to eat them all at once!

Walnuts – orzechy
ground flax seed – mielone siemie lniane

źródło: http://deliciouslyella.com/

niedziela, 1 lutego 2015

Running the Marathon

Running is a very popular sport. Millions of people run because they enjoy it or want to be in good physical shape. A runner does not need a special talent or equipment—only well-cushioned shoes and comfortable clothes.
Daily running improves a person’s physical condition. It helps oxygen circulate through your body and it makes your heart and leg muscles stronger. Running helps you control your weight because when you run your burn up a lot of calories. It also helps you fight off stress after a tiring day in school or at work.
Many runners take part in long distance races. The most popular events are marathons. They are held in many cities all over the world and, for a good runner, taking part in a famous marathon is the highlight of a running career. Famous marathons are held in New York, Boston, London, Berlin and many other cities.
The marathon is the longest running event in the world. Its name goes back to the story of a Greek soldier who, in 490 B.C. , ran from the small village of Marathon to Athens, about 40 km away. He wanted to tell the people there that the Greek army had defeated the Persians.

Physical Fitness

The body is an amazing object; the more you ask of it, the more it can do. If you are inactive most of the time, your body will quickly become tired when it should be active. But if you are active many times each day or week, your body will get used to the hard work and it will become easier to do. Children who want to play active games with their friends should exercise regularly so they have the energy to play as long as they want.
Many young people want to be physically active because it helps them look and feel good. Activity burns more calories than just sitting , so it is important for keeping a healthy weight . Exercise also makes your muscles and bones stronger and keeps your body in a good condition .
Physical activity also helps people stay healthy. Exercise strengthens the immune system , and helps the body fight off illness . Daily exercise also helps people sleep better. Active students don’t complain about being tired. They have a good night’s sleep and have the energy to work hard and have fun every day.