czwartek, 30 kwietnia 2015


These days, with our busy work schedules, long hours at the office, frenetic modern lifestyle and unhealthy food choices readily available, it’s no wonder that a lot of us run into problems with our digestive system.
Instead of feeling healthy, happy and full of energy, we feel bloated, sluggish and fatigued, even perhaps experiencing constipation, heartburn and gas.
Neglecting our digestion means our bodies have difficulty absorbing the nutrients it needs to be able to break down the foods we eat. In order to focus and enjoy our daily activities, we need to take great care of it and find ways to improve our digestion.
Your stomach – in other words your digestive system – is your very own personal “blender” and “second brain.” What happens or doesn’t happen here has a direct effect on your digestion.

czwartek, 23 kwietnia 2015

Which political party you side with

Where do you side on social issues?

Do you support the legalisation of same sex marriage? Learn more

Should the UK reinstate the death penalty? Learn more

niedziela, 19 kwietnia 2015

“How Do You Want Your Eggs?” Eleven Ways To Cook An Egg

“How do you want your eggs?” How many times have been asked that at a restaurant and not known exactly how to answer it? “What’s the way where it’s fried but the yolk is still runny?” “Aren’t sunny side up and over easy the same thing?” “What’s the difference between over easy and over medium?” “What the heck are basted eggs?”
Eggs really tie breakfast together. They’re great in so many ways: inexpensive, easy to prepare, cook quickly, and offer a solid source of protein.
So how do you answer the next time a server asks how you’d like your eggs? Here are 11 ways to cook an egg.

sobota, 18 kwietnia 2015

The Hobbit House

Since 2003 we have been living and building on the land, working in environmental projects and community.  We have found that for a few thousand pound and a few months work it is possible to create simple shelters that are in harmony with the natural landscape, ecologically sound and are a pleasure to live in.  There is something powerfully alluring in such natural buildings.  Their simplicity and cost makes them accessible; their beauty and use of natural materials remind us of our ancestral right and ability to live well as part of the landscape/nature/earth.  We believe this dream is possible for anyone with genuine intention, will and hard work.  Through this website is our best advice to inspire and assist anyone who is interested in similar ideas.
The Hobbit House

niedziela, 12 kwietnia 2015

Are We Ready for E-Books?

In a typical Boston bookshop customers move their way through the corridors and rooms to browse through thousands of books that are spread over two floors. “It’s a lot of paper” says one of the shop assistants. She admits that the store could get much smaller if the digital revolution gets to the bookshelves.
The catchword is e-book , or electronic book - something you read on screen instead of on paper. You can load books onto small computers to read while you are on the move .
There are lots of different e-books. Some are really computers and may even be bound in leather to look like a real book. The RocketBook , for example, is a portable that can display pages. Others are just computer programs which you can use to display books on your computer or notebook.
Then there are PDAs, or pocket computers, that can be used as an e-book if you have the right software. They are portable and have wireless connections to libraries or bookstores.
E-books have many advantages :

sobota, 11 kwietnia 2015

The Princes in the Tower

In 1933 the skeletons of two young boys, one aged about 10 and the other 13, were disinterred from Westminster Abbey and examined by L.E. Tannery and W. Wright.
These bones had been re-buried in an urn in 1674 and placed in the Henry VIIth Chapel in the Abbey. The skeletons aroused much interest and debate as they were believed by many historians to be the bones of the two princes who were reputably murdered in the Tower of London in the 15th century.
The princes were Edward V and his brother Richard Duke of York, the sons of Edward IV and his Queen, Elizabeth Woodville. Their uncle, Richard of Gloucester, later Richard III, came after them in the succession.

środa, 8 kwietnia 2015

Woman Gets Lost and asks this man to help her. His response is genius.

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost so she reduced altitude and spotted a man below.

She descended a bit more and shouts: "Excuse me, can you help me, I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know where I am."

The man below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be and Engineer," said the balloonist.

"I am, how did you know" replied the man?

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you have told me is probably technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information and the fact is, I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip by your talk."

The man below responded, "You must be in Management."

"I am, but how did you know" replied the balloonist?

"Well", said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems."

"In fact you are in exactly the same position you wee in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my friggin' fault."

balloon - balon
altitude - wysokość (względem czegoś; szczególnie wysokość nad poziomem morza)
spotted - w kropki, w groszki (np. sukienka)
spot - miejsce (np. w którym spędzamy czas); plama (powierzchnia o innym kolorze, np. na skórze)
descend - schodzić (np. ze schodów), zstępować (np. z nieba), obniżać (np. lot)
hover - unosić się, wisieć w powietrzu; wahać się
approximately  (skrót approx) - około, w przybliżeniu
above - nad, powyżej, u góry, wysoko
latitude - szczerokość geograficzna
frankly - szczerze, bez ogródek; otwarcie, bezpośrednio
rise - wzrastać (np. cena); wzbierać, wznosić się (np. w powietrze)
rise to sth - odnieść się do czegoś, odpowiedzieć na coś
due - to, co się komuś należy; płatny; należny, przysługujący komuś
quantity (skrót gty.) - ilość (czegoś, co może być policzone bądź zmierzone); masa, obfitość
make a promise- obiecywać, składać obietnicę
beneath - pod, poniżej; pod spodem (np. pod kołdrą)
fault - wina; wada, usterka


sobota, 4 kwietnia 2015


Long, long time ego, there lived a very calm couple, Agnes and Konrad. Agnes made tasty noodles. Konrad made pots and then sold them on a market. Once Agnes became seriously sick and after a few days she died. Konrad was desperate. He was hungry all the time because he did not know how to cook. Women from neighbourhood would give him what they cooked, but Konrad did not like the food. One day, hungry and tired he was coming back from the market, and he fell asleep at a gate. He dreamed about Agnes; she gave him a bowl filled with noodles, but under one condition: everyday he was supposed to leave one noodle in the bowl, and the bowl would again fill itself with noodles. And then Konrad woke up. He was thinking about how strange the dream was when suddenly he noticed the bowl filled with noodles. Konrad started to eat them quickly. One, big noodle was left on the bottom. Probably it was the tastiest noodle and worth eating, he thought. He took it in his hand, but the noodle fell out. He caught it, but it again slipped, this time on the top of the gate. He started to climb and when he reached the top, the noodle became petrified. Konrad went down, took the bowl and went back home. The next day he saw the bowl empty. From that day, the petrified noodle is present on one of gates in Wroclaw. 

 calm - spokojny, opanowany; spokój, cisza
noodles - kluski, makaron
pot - garnek
neighbourhood - dzielnica; sąsiedztwo, okolica
filled - wypełniony
condition - warunek, klauzula, zastrzeżenie (w umowie)
suppose - przypuszczać; zakładać
tasty - smaczny; smakowity, pikantny (p. wiadomość)
worth - warty; godzien, wart, zasługujący
fall out - wypadać
slip - poślizgnąć się; wyślizgnąć się
climb - wpisanąć się, wdrapywać się
reach - osiągać (na drodze rozwoju, np. poziom, etap); uzyskiwać, osiągać (meć czasami jakąś wartość, np. wiatr osiągający 100 km/h); osiągać (np. porozumienie)
petrified - skamieniały ze strachu, sparaliżowany, osłupiały

Legend has it..

It was once a fad among New Yorkers vacationing in Florida to bring back baby alligators for their children to raise as pets. These infant gators eventually grew up and outlived their cuteness, sad to say, at which point their desperate owners flushed them down the toilet to get rid of them.
Some of these hastily disposed-of critters managed to survive and breed in the dank Manhattan sewer system, so the story goes, producing colonies of giant, albino alligators beneath the streets of New York City. Their descendants thrive down there to this day, completely hidden (apart from the rare heart-stopping encounter between sewer gator and sewer worker, that is) from human eyes.