niedziela, 1 marca 2015

Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint shows how much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases a person produces in everyday life.  It measures the amount of fossil fuels and electricity someone uses up as well as the carbon footprint of the products they buy.

When we use our cars or heat our homes with oil or natural gas, carbon dioxide and various other gases are set free.  These emissions lead to a denser atmosphere and global warming.

You can measure your carbon footprint by using a calculator that you can find on various websites. It shows you in which way your living habits damage the environment. The carbon footprint usually measured in tons of CO2 per year. In America for example, every citizen produces about 28 tons of carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases a year, in Great Britain the amount is about 10 tons.

Carbon Footprint

How to reduce your carbon footprint

There are many actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.

The way we travel, for example, has a major impact on our environment. Use your bike or walk for short distances. Public transport is a way of getting to places without putting a burden on the environment. If you use your car see to it that it is maintained correctly and that it does not burn more fuel than it should.

Buying local food is also a way of curbing emissions into the atmosphere. Many environmental experts, however, argue that it often saves energy to buy food that is produced naturally in faraway places than consuming food grown locally in greenhouses.

In your home you can contribute to saving energy by turning off lights if you don’t need them or by avoiding the use of air conditioners, which contribute a lot to global warming and emit CFCs that destroy the ozone layer. Electrical appliances can save energy if you set them to standby mode.

Recycling plastic, glass and paper can also reduce your carbon footprint drastically.

It is also vital to persuade others to take the same steps that you do. Only if we concentrate on reducing carbon emissions together can we hope to make our environment better.


  • amount = how much
  • appliance = small machine that does household work
  • argue = here: to have a different opinion
  • avoid = keep away from
  • burden = load, weight
  • calculator = software or small machine that can do mathematic factions
  • carbon dioxide = the gas that is produced when animals breathe out or when carbon is burned in the air
  • CFC = chlorofluorocarbons = gases in refrigerators and spray cans  that damage the ozone layer
  • citizen = a person who lives in a country and has rights there
  • consume = hear: eat
  • contribute = help
  • curb = lower, reduce
  • dense = thick (gruby)
  • drastically = very much
  • electricity = power that is carried in wires and cables and is used to produce heat or light or make machines work
  • emission =  gases that are sent into the air
  • environment = the world around us
  • fossil fuel = material like coal, oil and gas that can be burned ; it is produced when plants and animals die over millions of years
  • fuel = oil, gas, coal etc.. that we burn to produce  energy
  • greenhouse = glass building used for growing vegetables, flowers and other plants
  • greenhouse gas = a gas, especially carbon dioxide or methane,  that does not let the heat escape from our atmosphere and causes it to heat up
  • impact = influence, effect
  • living habit = the way we live
  • local = produced in the area you live
  • maintain = look after something and keep it in good condition by doing repairs regularly
  • major = big
  • measure = to find out how much something is
  • persuade = to get others to think in the same way
  • public transport = buses, trains etc… that everyone can use
  • recycle = to use something over and over again
  • reduce = make smaller, lower
  • standby mode = to keep a machine ready so that it can be used immediately
  • various = different kinds of
  • vital = very important
carbon - węgiel
carbon footprint - ślad węglowy (suma emisji gazów cieplarnianych)
footprint - odcisk stopy, ślad stopy
dioxide - dwutlenek (cząsteczka zawierająca dwa atomy tlenu i jeden atom innego pierwiastka)
greenhouse - szklarnia
greenhouse gas - gaz cieplarniany
measure - mierzyć, zmierzyć
measures - środki, działania
fossil - skamieniałość; wapniak
fuel - paliwo; materiał do ogrzania czegoś
heat - ciepł, upał, gorąco
heating - ogrzewanie, podgrzewanie
various (skrót var.) - przeróżny, rozliczny, rozmaity, różny
in various ways - na różne sposoby
on various occasions - przy różnych okazjach
of various kind - różnego rodzaju
set free - uwolnić, oswobodzić
set somebody free - wypuścić kogoś na wolność
emission - emisja, wydzielanie (np. ciepła, gazu, światła); emisja (coś, co zostało wyemitowane)
dense - zawarty, zbity, gęsty (np. tłum)
damage - uszkodzenie, szkoda, uszczerbek (np. własności, zdrowia)l; uszkodzić (spowodować uszkodzenie czegoś); źle wpływać
citizen - obywatel
impact - siła uderzenia, zderzenie; wpływ, oddziaływanie, działanie
burden - brzemię, obciążenie; ładunek
maintain - konserwować, podtrzymywać, zachowywać na tym samym poziomie; utrzymywać (np. finansowo), żywić
burn - palić się, płonąć (np. dom, hala fabryczna)
contribute - wnosić (swój wkład do czegoś); przyczyniać się
destroy - zniszczyć, zrujnować (np.budynek)
ozone layer - warstwa ozonowa
appliance - urządzenie (sprzęt używany w domu, np. kuchenka lub zmywarka)
drastically - drastycznie, dramatycznie, radykalnie
vital - niezbędny, decydujący, istotny, żywotny; pełen energii
persuade - namawiać, przekonywać, perswadować


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