poniedziałek, 23 czerwca 2014

Informal / Formal sentens

What do you need?
Please let us know your requirements.
Thanks for you email of 12 Feb.
Thank you for your email received 12 February.
Sorry, I can't make it.
I am afraid I will not be able to attend.
I'm sorry to tell you that, …
We regret to advise you that …
I promise
I can assure you that …
Could you ..?
I would be grateful if you could …
You haven't ..
We note from our records that you have not …
Don't forget
We would like to remind you that …
I need to …
It is necessary for me to
Shall I … ?
Would you like me to … ?
But … / Also … / So …
However…/ In addition … / Therefore
Please could you …
I was wondering if you could …
I'm sorry for
Please accept our apologies foe …
See you next week.
I look forward to meeting you next week.
Re ..
With regard to … (or with reference to)

requirements - wymagania
receive - otrzymać
attend  - być obecnym
assure - zapewniać
with regard to sth - w odniesieniu do czegoś
re - co się tyczy, odnośnie, w sprawie
it is necessary for sb to do sth - ktoś musi zrobić coś
wonder - zastanawiać się
In addition – dodatkowo
Therefore – dlatego, zatem

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