czwartek, 13 sierpnia 2015

People Who Are Bilingual Are Smart, Creative And Better Lovers

If you thought accents were sexy, imagine how absolutely mind-blowing it would be to have the person of your dreams tell you those three magic words in more than one tongue.
There’s just something about people expressing their thoughts in multiple languages that is so appealing.
It might be that they’re more in tune with their own thoughts and emotions.
Or, perhaps they’re just better communicators in general.
A growing body of research indicates that people who learn to speak more than one language throughout their lives have essentially trained their brains to be stronger muscles, making them smarter, more creative and more responsive to their own feelings and emotions.
But, after studying both Spanish and Mandarin Chinese for a few years each, I think there is something deeper to speaking more than one language than meets the eye or brain. It’s something in the heart, in the soul.

sobota, 1 sierpnia 2015

History of Advertising - The Pros and Cons of Advertising

History of Advertising

It is difficult to imagine how advertising worked before television, the radio and the Internet, but, in fact, advertising goes back to ancient Greece where people wrote " For Sale" on the sides of their houses if they wanted to move. In the Middle Ages merchants hung wooden signs in front of their stores to show people what they were selling.
The invention of the printing press in the 1440s had a big effect on advertising. Flyers and posters could be made very cheaply and by 1600 newspaper ads were common.
After the Civil War advertising agencies became popular in America. First they only sold space in newspapers and magazines but later on they also wrote and produced their own ads.
The invention of the radio in the 1920s and television in the 1940s revolutionized advertising. Companies could now inform millions of people about their products over the airwaves. More recently the Internet and e-mail have led to the development of new advertising strategies.